The death of Kennedy changed the world but what Brett Davidson
discovered about the why and the who made the assassination a
mere sideshow

Imagine Russia controlling the US. A plan hatched during The Stalin era by a secretive group reporting only to him made this a very real possibility. It was almost undetectable by the Intelligence agencies, who weren't looking and wouldn't, didn't know what to look for. Whilst researching the assassination of President John F Kennedy, American student Brett Davidson stumbled across this secret Russian project which had been infiltrating russia loving individuals into the USA, positioned at the highest levels in government, the intelligence services, business and media. Terrifyingly, his research proved that the infiltration had, was being successful and that the project was gathering momentum. For many, the project would seem too far fetched, but Brett Davidson realises the enormity of his discovery and needs to find someone he can confide in. He turns to John Beck from the CIA to whom he entrusts his file and conclusions on the project, known as 'Prosnut'sya Medlenno' (Awake Slowly). Beck, realising the danger for Davidson arranges his disappearance. Now the question for Beck is who has enough clout to act upon such potentially devastating information and can he be sure that they are above suspicion? Veselovsky, the Russian behind the project has his tentacles everywhere. Covering many time zones and different decades the enormity of this Russian project unfolds. The goal of the project, which is controlled by the puppet master, Veselovsky, is to significantly weaken the USA. It must be stopped, but how? The seemingly impossible task of identifying and exposing all those associated with the project is led by a man known by his nemesis as 'The Viking' who can only use a handful of his most trusted colleagues. This is a book full of very differing characters each with their own agendas, beliefs, motivations and backgrounds. The two factions become entwined in the battle, one to stop the project before it's too late and the other to see it through to its devastating conclusion. But who is on which side and why? The clock is ticking - Will 'The Viking' find the missing pieces of the project in time, when no one can be trusted?